Me: You mind if I answer the puking question for you?
Batty: NO!
Me: Okay then. You dare me to?
Batty: Dare you? YOU WOULDN'T! O.O
Me: I would!
Batty: Why are you so evil?!
Me: Cause that's just the way I am!
Batty: You're a weird fan.
Me: Thanks! Shauni to put it simple, I think we're making Batty throw up so much that it's giving him a heart attack.
Batty: That's your best answer? A heart attack?
Me: Have you look at the recent questions she's ask you?
Batty: Errr....
Me: My point exactly! Do you wanna take it from here?
Batty: On what?
Me: The other questions Batty!
Batty: Ohhh. Well, that question is more easier than sticking your head in a jar.
Me: Your head in the what?
Batty: *pushes me outta the way* Excuse me. My dearest and most trusted friend is Crysta. She's been nice to me since we started working on the set of the first Ferngully movie and help me out with my lines She's the first little bug I've known that's kind to everyone. And she brings a lot of berries on the set too. Mmmmm berries!
Me: Batty, let's not lose our minds over food again. You might throw up.
Batty: No I won't!
Me: Yes you might and then I'll have to call in for back up because I am NOT cleaning up your mess!
Batty: That's brainwash to you!
Me: Batty stop saying stuff that doesn't make sense please and get back to the questions.
Batty: I'm not done yet! You're........uhhhhhhhhh.......ohh! Maybe I am done then.
Me: *focuses back to the question* So anyway, what your saying is on your answer, Crysta is the most trusted friend you can get along on with on and off the set?
Batty: Yes!
Me: What would you do if Nilla was in the future Ferngully movies?
Batty: NILLA?! Well I uhhh hehe
Me: Whoops! Looks like I made him blush people LOL!